What Do You Know About Red Light Therapy?
Known as RLT, red light therapy is an advanced yet simple treatment designed to improve skin tone, rebuild muscle fibers, and regenerate your body's cells. This is done by stimulating those cells with very specific wavelengths of red light. Designed to kick start cellular regeneration, many proponents of RLT describe red light therapy as a way to treat a wide variety of ailments.
When exposed to red and infrared light, your eyes won't be able to see it. However, your body absorbs the energy and uses it to deliver revitalizing effects. At 660 nanometers (660nm), red light penetrates the epidermis (The epidermis is the thin outer layer of the skin) by approximately 3 to 4 inches. When exposed to 850 nanometers (850nm) of infrared light, the energy penetrates deeper down to about 5 inches. You may have heard of this type of therapy as low light therapy as well, more commonly known as red light therapy.
How Does Red Light Therapy Work?
Let's take a moment to talk about how red light therapy works. Your body's cells contain what is known as mitochondria (which generate most of the energy needed to power the cell). This is referred to as the power source of the cells. It is responsible for providing enough energy for your cells to move around, replicate and perform normal bodily functions. When red and infrared light penetrates these cells, they become hyperactive, regenerate faster, multiply healthier, and deliver what many people refer to as a youthful vibrance.
The effect of red light therapy within the 660 nanometers to 850 nanometers Infrared range has been proven to deliver a wide array of benefits. Generally, red light therapy devices emit red or infrared light from some form of lamp or laser. You may have seen some devices used in other clinics, medical facilities, or salons. However, over the past few years, RLT has become an invaluable treatment that can be used safely from the comfort of your home.
Contrary to popular belief, red light therapy is distinctly different from other producers of red light, and here's how. Red light therapy devices emit a low-level light that is not perceived as heat. When used properly, red light therapy does not burn the skin, and you will typically never feel as if the skin is heating up
So What Does Red Light Therapy Treat?
Now that you know what red light therapy is and how it works, let's discuss how it can benefit you. Red light therapy can be used to treat all of the ailments listed below. In addition, the science of Red Light Therapy dates back decades. Many studies have been conducted that illustrate the specific benefits of red light therapy when applied to specific areas of the body. Here are a number of ailments and illnesses that red light therapy can assist with.
Dementia: according to the NIH, individuals that live with dementia have seen significant improvement when using 850nm infrared treatment. Of the patients that received 850nm infrared light therapy on their cranium for 12 weeks, all experienced enhanced memory function, reduced irritability, and prolonged sleep.
Dental pain: another influential study examined individuals with temporomandibular dysfunction syndrome (TMD). After 12 weeks of 660nm Red light therapy, participants experienced improved jaw mobility, less tenderness, reduced pain, and clicking.
Hair loss: a landmark report uncovered that both men and women going through the genetic disorder androgenetic alopecia stood to benefit from 660nm red light therapy. After using Red light therapy devices at home for 24 weeks, their hair grew thicker. Conversely, the test group using fake RLT devices experienced no increase in hair thickness.
Osteoarthritis: both red and infrared light has been proven to reduce osteoarthritis-related pain by up to 50% and in some cases more.
Tendinitis: when 7 participants with Tendinitis were observed using RLT, they reported lower levels of inflammation and pain.
Skin aging and Wrinkling: deep research has proven that RLT will inevitably reduce wrinkles and deliver an overall smoother skin. Simultaneously, acne scars, burns, and signs of UV sun damage can also be reduced.
Learn more about how Red Light Therapy can help
What Are the Risks?
You might be asking yourself what are the risks behind red light therapy. While many studies have been performed on the benefits, there have been an equal number of journals written that describe the risks. Red light therapy is considered safe within the scientific community. However, one thing you need to take into consideration is your personal reaction when undergoing red light therapy.
Different people respond differently to various frequencies. Wavelengths in the range of 660nm to 850nm infrared have been shown to deliver the most effective impact. Additionally, using too low of a frequency will not have any impact, and you risk wasting your time and money. When you become a member of RedShift Therapy you will be assigned a coach that can help scope your treatment options to get the maximum benefit. Learn more here. (RST Member Link here)
Conversely, too high of a frequency exposes the skin to greater levels of heat. However, the general consensus is that by staying within the 660nm and 850nm range, you will maximize the impact that RLT can deliver.
Where Do You Get Red Light Therapy?
Traditionally, red light therapy was performed within doctors' offices and clinics around the nation. However, as modern technology advances, home devices can now be purchased. You can now perform red light therapy within the comfort of Your own home. Certain devices
currently, come with pulse settings that allow you to alternate between both red and infrared light to maximize its effectiveness.
As with anything, remember to consult with your doctor before diving deep into any red light therapy. Also, sticking to the recommended use and instructions will prevent you from injuring yourself to any great degree.
Have questions, contact us today. Want to start benefiting from Red Light Therapy, become a member (even if you did not buy your red light from us *fees apply)